This single document contains information not discussed in your printed manuals. Read this chapter to learn how to use this online documentation.
Navigating This Document
This document is divided into chapters. Each chapter discusses a different topic. If a chapter contains too much text to fit within a single window, use the vertical scroll bar at the right of the window to scroll down through the text.
You can open different chapters by selecting them from the Contents menu or by using the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the window. Alternately, you can choose Contents>Table of Contents to open a Table of Contents Window. Double-click a chapter title or section heading in the Table Of Contents Window to jump to that section of the document.
Viewing This Document
If you're using a color monitor, you'll notice the use of magenta, blue and red text in this document. The following discusses the significance of each color:
• magenta text: indicates chapter titles
• blue text: indicates headings and sub-headings
• red, bold text: used in text bodies to indicate menus, commands, buttons or other elements of the program.
Printing This Document
To print this document, select File>Print. You'll see a dialog box asking you to select those chapters you'd like to print. Click the OK button to print all highlighted chapters. If you wish to print all the chapters in this document, click the Print All button.